Missing Classmates

The 109 classmates listed below have either never had contact information or whose previous information is no longer valid.  If you know anything such as a married last name or last known location, it would be very helpful.   Just drop a note through the "Contact Us" tab.  Better yet, if you know how to get in touch with that person, please do and suggest they join this website. Thank you.



Bob Alexander
Phil Ashley
Gary Barnum
Adaline Biel
Terry Bierer
Virginia Bixler
Ginger Bowen (Haskins)
Earl Brown
Connie Brownell (Thompson)
Ken Browning
Dan Buck
Don Byington
Pat Chamberlain
Ken Chambers
Venita Compton
Ron Crismon
Janice Cunningham
April Cyr (Mathes)
Donna Darnell (Loney)
Mike Dietrich
Pam Duty (Williams)
George Ellis
Candice Ellison
Diane Ewalt
Kenneth Ewalt
Darlene Fowler
Jamie Franklin
Rosemary Fuhrman
Wendi Gardner
JoAnn Gauker
Christine Gebler (Gopal)
Raymond Golleher
Nina Graham
Daniel Grainger
Joseph Grenfell
Stephanie Halderman (Johnson)
Judy Hamilton
Lanny Hamilton
Victoria Hansen
Guy Harper
Michael Harris
Jim Harvey
Michael Harvey
Cheryl Hemminghous
Nancy Herrian
Jim Higgins
Marta Hiney (Rotz)
Howard Hockett
Kit Johnson
Warren Jones
Carol Kirkland
Don Kohler
Scott Kreuter
Judy Lacey (Watts)
Linda Lampkin
Rick Larkins
Mike Laughlin
Les Lauman
Becky Levstone (Davies)
Tim Long
Mary Low
Mike Marble
Kay Marchant
William McCluskey
Willie McDaniels
Judy McGinnis
Niva McMyne
John Michels
Bob Miller
Marty Miller
Jim Moore
Jan Neff
Betty Nelson
Nancy Nelson
Larry Nye
Sharon Poindexter (Day)
Dan Robbins
Gale Rust
Fred Schuler
Peter Schulz
David Seelye
Janet Sirianni
Linda Stewart
Bill Sturgeon
Diane Summers (Pracher)
Gayle Teschner
David Thompson
Cheryl Urness
Molly Voge (Reusser)
Steven Watson
Dorothea Watts (Vrooman)
Carol Williams (Bridwell)
Kathleen Williams
John Woodroof
Lawrence Wright
Leslie Yorkston (Walsh)
